Friday, July 20, 2007

N 33 03.583 W 143 41.562

averaging 140 NM a day.
passed the halfway point

sailing into an area of high pressure. wind and seas will subside for a log downwind to Hawaii.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

162 nautical miles in 26 hrs!!

you do the math.
avg speed 6.23 knots!
they are moving fast. Boat is headed toward high pressure and should slow a bit

get gooogle earth for free

and cut and paste

N 34 53, W 142 39

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

latest wave chart

the boat is located by the name "BLAZE"
Left chart is wave height in Meters
Right chart is windspeed and pressure at 500MB (not surface chart)
looks like 9 foot waves and 20 knots of wind is on for tonight
predictions show the wind and waves to subside tomorrow

N 39 20.453 W 139 09.962 hd200

progress is good. Wind is 16 knots and waves are 6 feet
Watched a movie on DVD last night (no I dont know which one)

the dot at the lower right is the Transpac fleet of 73 boats....also heading to Hawaii
docks are gonna be we will go to Kuaia first ...then Oahu for new deep cycle batteries. yikes!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

N 41 07.042 W 136 41 933

at 18:00 Sunday Devon writes:

N 42 07.042 W136 41.933 hd 170 wind sw 16 heavy seas
we are getting blown south east on str. tack on port we hd north to keep th sails full look at the weather 4 me im loosening faith in oceans there predictions are not accurate after 24 hrs it seams more value 4 u to send me weather there download time est. says 2 min but takes 5 I sent a e mail to Rochelle but did not receive response will sort it out at next port with land line ihave been leaving sat phone on all the time I will check back later for response don't Re: it takes more time to download. I now understand why people do this solo all is well no worries