Saturday, July 28, 2007

almost there!!

Hi Devon and crew;

By now you should be almost in sight of land....maybe you are...hooray you made your first ocean crossing in a boat you guys fixed by yourself. Congrats.

you should be headed to Lihue...
Niwillwilli Light at entrance is
N 21 57 , W 159 20

My calculations put you there late Sunday ....please wait until daylight to enter.
Customs is at the commercial must clear.

The Harbormaster Nawiliwili Small Boat HarborTel:(808) 245-4586 can direct you. Customs is CLOSED Sunday.

There is an anchorage nearby. It should be free or cheap (13 dollars day)
The UPS Store, Wal Mart, and COSTCO are all within a bike ride. (2 Miles max).

If you guys want to hang out in Hawaii...this is one of the better places and the only place with an anchorage.

Oahu is a one full day (90 mile) sail south

I have you scheduled to get batteries in Oahu on August 6, a Monday.

I have been trying to get a fabricator lined up as well.

I have emails out to two of them...and I will call more on Monday.
No fabrication found on Kuaia. Fabricationsist only found near Honolulu on Oahu.
Maybe we can ship the broken vang parts to a fab guy in Oahu (by UPS) and then
they might be ready when you get there about the 6th....let me know.

The timing needs to be perfect because it is really expensive to stay in Oahu. The boat slips are $130.00 a night!!!

I am still working on anchorages in Oahu....but right now no luck.
I think you can anchor near the airport for 48 hours...but I gotta check.
The transpac just finished and the place is jammed. Pearl Harbor is OFF LIMITS.

So plan on having a nice stay on Kuaia.
Stock up at Costco, Wal Mart, etc.
no need to rent a car....nearly everything is right there.
Cab it maybe.

and importantly.....

We want the cabin sole varnished while in Kuaia. With everybody should take 4 hours max
If you wait....Honolulu will be to rocky and rolly at anchor to do anything.

sail on sail on sailor(s)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Fish On !

N 23 36.417 W154 19.417 hd.220 wind17 wave 5 ft 1018kpa

We caught a 20lb mahi-mahi after phone call last night. Had a good dinner.

love devon

Thursday, July 26, 2007

N 26 14.383 W 150 13.003

Boat is moving closer every day. They are now about 500 NM from Hawaii.

Some things require repair in port. The boom vang attachment fork is cracked. Right now the hydraulic vang is off and a mechanical vang has been installed. Probably have a machine shop fabricate a new fork in HI.

The batteries are at the end of their physical life. Yhe generator runs more than it should to keep everything charged up. New batteries have been purchased and await instalation in Oahu.
8 large deep cycles will be loaded aboard the first week of August.

A care package is being assembled to ship to HI.. If you have small items that need to be shipped to the